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4 Tips When Choosing a US Agent of Record – FDA Registration

We get asked questions from all over the world and wanted to take a minute to discuss a few things regarding the United States Food and Drug Administration’s Food Facility Registration and US Agent of Record.  More detail can be found here but we put together 4 Questions you should ask when consulting with a US Agent of Record for your FDA Registration Process.


What is a US Agent of Record? The US Agent of Record is responsible for being the adviser, consultant, and contact that the US FDA has with any domestic or foreign company that wants to do business in the United States.

Here are four tips

  • Your US Agent of Record should be independent of your importer and exporter
  • Your US Agent of Record is not involved in the distribution of your product and should only communicate with you and not your importers or exporters
  • Your product and reputation is the most important part of your business, do not let your product integrity be led by profit or volume
  • A US Agent should provide the following points of service in your contract
    • US Food Facility Registration (only food, beverage, and dietary supplements)
    • Filing of Prior Notice (fee-based)

Again more information can be found here we are happy to consult with you to discuss the process of choosing a US Agent for your FDA Registration. Click the link below to start an email conversation.

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